“An assisted/private siding is a siding constructed to serve a Government department, a factory, mill, other industries, one or other private party under a special agreement”.
a) Assisted siding:-
· Cost is a party borne by the applicant and partly by Railway.
· Incidence of cost governed by Para 1826E [Engineering Code and 1827E]
b) Private Siding:- Entire cost borne by the applicant.
c) Military Siding:-
· To meet the special requirement of defence department.
· Incidence of cost governed by under para 1803E 1804E.
d) Public Siding:-
· Public Siding is Railway siding laid out at a distance from mine Station/good sheds.
· Open for all traffic both in ward and out ward.
· Can be used by all consignors/consignees/Endorsees desirous of using of same.
e) Departmental Siding:-
· Used for Railway own department.
· Used by PWIs/IOWs are known as departmental siding.
· Execution by siding Holder with the Railway regarding term and condition for siding.
· DRM arrange a certified true copy of the agreement along with a copy of blue print of siding.
· Siding users are forbidden to sublet either part or whole without written permission from the Railway Administration.
· Siding owner will also give a written undertaking to Railway to this effect.
Wagons/vehicles detained by the siding user over and above free time shall be subject to payment of demurrage charges at the rate in force is notified by individual Railway Administration in their local tariffs and rate . Now-a days for pilot to pilot system has been discarded. DC is Rs75/- per wagon per hour now a days.
In addition to freight charges to end from the station serving the siding, siding charges at the rate laid down in the agreement or notified separately by the Railway Administration for dealing with the traffic at the siding should be recovered from the siding users. Surcharges and supplementary charges, where due should also be levied on the siding charges. Siding charges are fixed on wagon basis/ trip basis where a wagon supplied for loading in the siding is not utilized and is hauled back empty demurrage charges due under the rules should be recovered in addition to the siding charges. Siding charges may be revised after one year by giving a notice of the month.
Siding charges is given as below from 15.07.2007:-
a. Diesel Engine = Rs.235/- per wagon
b. Electric Engine = Rs.550/- per wagon
The Siding owner should pay annually to the Railway Administration interest and maintenance charges as follows:-
a. Interest to be charge on the book value of the portion of the cost of siding borne by the Railway at the prevalent rate of dividend payable by Railway to the general revenue as may be fixed from time to time.
b. Repair and maintenance charges at the rate of 4½ % on the cost of the portion of siding borne by the Railway or its present day cost, whichever is higher. The cost of the portion of siding borne by Railway shall be revalued every five years in accordance with instructions issued by Railway board. The maintenance of works inside premises is the applicant own concern. However, Railway confirms the standards of work prescribed by Railway.
c. Inspection charges: In order to ensure that the track is safe for dealing with the rolling stock the Railway should undertake periodical inspection of siding, irrespective of whether the maintenance of the siding is done by Railway or the applicant and cost such periodical inspection should be recoverable from the applicant by preferring bills.
d. Land: Land rent shall also be recovered where land is provided by Railway for construction of siding.

The cost of commercial staff, if any, employed at siding for the purpose of day to day functioning of commercial activities in accordance with Railway Rules and Regulations shall be recovered periodically, monthly/ quarterly as decided, upon in agreement from the siding owners. A bill for such charges shall be preferred against siding owners endorsing a copy of bill to the associated finance branch so as to enable him to watch the recoveries.
The method of performing such bills defers from Railway to Railway, but the correct items to be included in the bill would be as under:-
a. (i) Pay = The mean of grade or actual pay, whichever is higher.
(ii) D.A. = As per rates announced by central government from time to time.
(iii) CCA & HRA = As per classification of cities where siding is provided
(iv) Interim Relief= Actual on item a(i) above.
b. Leave Salary = 15% of pay + DA +CCA + HRA + IR
(i) Pension contribution:- The recovery towards pension charges depends upon the length of service rendered by employees and the pension contribution recoverable in respect of railway employee posted in private siding should be completed in term of Table-1, Appendix-1 and IREC Vol.II (1990 Edition) and various instruction issued from time to time.
(ii) DA on Pension:- Shall be prevailing rate on pension contribution worked out.
d. Miscellaneous:- 10% on pay + DA + IR (These charges are to cover the cost of medical, welfare, passes, uniforms etc.)
e. Rest Giver:- 1/6th of bill, if Rest giver arrangement made by Railways.
As per direction of CIL, recently MCL had stopped to pay staff cost as Railway is not paying the rebate dues to MCL.
1. Customer will apply to COM of zonal Railway with a Conceptual plan of siding including serving station take off point, length of siding patterns of operation, expansion plans, whether Railway or private land is involved likely origin/ destinations and quantity of commodities to be moved. Whether traffic is getting diverted from existing station.
2. Zonal Railway after examination the proposal will issue a “No Objection Certificate”
3. Applicant should there after approach Director (Transport Planning) Railway Board after issue of Rail transport clearance (RTC) from Railway Board.
4. RTC is valid for the entire life of the project it commissioned. Otherwise validity of RTC shall be for 5 years from the date of issue till project gets commissioned. Validity of RTC lapses of the project is not committed for processing the case a fresh.
5. On approval of the plan, construction of siding can be undertaken through Railway of an approved consultant.
6. Once RTC has been issued applicant should get a detailed survey conducted either through Railway of through an approved consultant. Necessary fees are required to paid if the survey is done through Railway.
7. Charges recovered from the party are as follows:-
a. Survey: 1% for the assessed cost of the project at the stage proposal of the party for undertaking the survey as approved by the Railway. Balance amount to complete 2% of the estimated cost of the project while applying for the final approval of the completed works.
b. Final Inspection: 2% of the cost of project while applying for final approval of the complete works.
8. Subject to extant guidelines issued from time to time, the siding should have facilities for:-
(i) Provision for direct entry/exit without exchange yard.
(ii) Full rake handling facilities.
Engine on load system, as far a possible.
(iv) No mid sections take off.
(v) Locomotive for placement/ removal of rakes (electrical).
9. Applicant will pay in advance the total estimated cost of the work to be done by the Railway Administration including overhead charges as per extent rules.

· Effective from 01.01.2007 Rate circular No.228(G)/2006
· Situation ‘A’:- (N W < 5t =" 2" 5t =" 3" pol =" Penal" tl =" Tolerance"> PCC)
It aggregate payload in a rake exceeds the combined carrying capacity of the rake, the punitive charges shall be levied as follows:-
Punitive charges for extent of overloading 2t to 5t = 3 * (POL + TL) * H.C.F.
Punitive charges for extent of overloading > 5t = 5 * (POL + TL) * H.C.F.
( H.C.F= Highest Class Freight )
· Under load penalty fully paid by MCL.
· POL penalty paid by MCL except E-auction customers.
· POL penalty paid 50-50 by MCL and customers such DMNJ, BZA. APGENCO.
· Price notification No.CIL/SCM/GM(F)/PRICING/1125 DTD.12.12.2007.
· Basic price of ROM coal in MCL. (BP)/: pit hand Price of ROM:-

A.1. Additional charge of Rs.15/- per tonne. for slack coal on ROM price.
· A.2. Additional charge of Rs.165/- per tonne. for steam coal on ROM price.
· B.1. Charge of crushing for size 200-250 mm = Rs.35/- per tonne.
· B.2. Charge of crushing for size 100 mm = Rs.55/- per tonne.
· B.3. Charge of crushing for size 50 mm = Rs.70/- per tonne.
· C.1 Additional charge of transportation for lead 3-10 km = Rs.40/- per tonne.
· C.2 Additional charge of transportation for lead 10-20 km = Rs.70/- per tonne.
· C.3 Additional charge of transportation for lead 20 km = Actual.
· D. Additional charge loading of 3500 te per hr or more = Rs.18/- per tonne.
· E.Royalty= (a + bP) (i.e.- b =5% of basic price) (Notification No.3367 Dtd.01.08.07
a = Rs.70/- for Grade D & E (Group - IV)
· a = Rs.55/- for Grade F & G ( Group – V)
· F. SED = Rs.10/- per tonne.
· G. Price formula:
Real Price ( R ) = BP + B (1/2/3) + E + F
Sales Tax ( S ) = 5% R
Orissa Entry Tax ( O ) = 1% ( R + S )
Total Price = R + S + O =Rs 617.31 for Grade “F”
1. Price given in the notifications are either FOR or FOB, as the case may be surface transportation charges, where applicable would be levied extra.
2. For undertaking special sizing or beneficiation of coal, additional charge of may be negotiated between the purchaser and the producer may be realized or above the pit head prices.
3. The prices do not apply to coal sold for export.
4. For the purpose of grading of coal the specification of each grade of the coal shall be prescribed under rule 3 of the Colliery Control Rules, 2004

A = Ash Content in percentage
M = Moisture content in percentage
Note:- In case of coal having moisture less than 2% and volatile contact less than 19% the useful heat value shall be the value arrived at as above reduced by 159 K coal/ Kg. for each 1% reduction in volatile below 19% fraction pro rate.
1. For proximate Analysis:- The coal is grounded to 212 sieve and equilibrated in an atmosphere of 40°C and 60% R.H.
2. For determination of moisture inherent percent :- One gram of laboratory sample is taken and heated in an air oven at a temperature of 108°C ± 2°C for one and half to two hours.
3. For determination of Ash percent:- One gram of laboratory sample is taken in a silica dish and is heated at 815°C ± 10°C in muffle furnace for a period of one hour.
4. Unit Coal:- It is the pure coal substance free from moisture and mineral matter for most Indian coal it is given by the expression = 100 (M + 1.1A).
5. Gross & Net Calorific Value:- G C V or upper heating value is the C.V. in laboratory condition. Net C.V. or lower heating value or net effective calories (NEC) is the useful calorific value in boiler plant. The difference is essentially the latent heat of water vapors produced.
6. Definition:- As Received (AR) = Includes Total Moisture (TM)
As Dried (AD) = Includes inherent Moisture (IM) only.
Dry basis (DB) = Excludes all moisture.
Dry Ash Free ( DAF) = excludes all moisture & Ash.
7. Tolerance limits:- As per IS:1350 (Part – I) :1969
i. Moisture : As per clause No.6.6.5, the result of duplicate determination shall agree within the following limits.

Definition of long flame :
Long flame coal shall be defined by the parameters as laid down in table 2 of Indian standard specification No IS:770-1964 general classification of coal (Recived.)
The relevant part in extracted as below:-
VM = Volatile Matter present (Unit coal basis)
GCV = Range of Gross CV (kcal/ Kg) Unit (Coal basis)
M = Range of dried moisture present at 60% R H at 40°C (mineral free coal basis)
The definition of VM and M shall be carried out on coal samples as per procedure laid down in Indian standard specification No.1350 (part – I) 1969.
The definition of GCV shall be carried out in accordance with procedure laid in 15-1350 (part – II) 1970 and bill 1971 or any subsequent revision thereof..
Type of sampling : Joint sampling, Third Party, Unilateral/ Check sample.
joint Sample:- TNEB, KIG, APGENCO, DMNJ
3rd party Sample:- MSEB (M/s. Mitra S.K. coal – inspection (I) ltd)
Check Sample:- Check samples generally drawn from loaded wagons, stocks, Bore hales to get an idea about the actual coal quality.
Sample Quantity/Procedure:- For joint sample the procedure given in the agreement copy for different parties are followed. for TNEB 18 Boxes are selected in 6 lots and approximate 900 Kg. samples are drawn.
For KIG and others 25% of the total supplied wagons randomly and approximately total 950 Kg. samples are drawn.
Coning Quartering: The entire sample crushed manually to pass 50mm size. The sample quantity is reduced by coning and quartering (Twice). Again crushes to pass 12.5 mm size. By coning and quartering, the quantity is reduced than the size is made to pass 3.00 mm size and 1.2Kg. samples are retained.
400 Gram (MCL Part) + 400 Gram ( Consumers Part) + 400 Gram (Referee) = 1.2 Kg.
For finalization of Grade in the joint sample result of MCL part and consumer’s part is tallied. If the average result not comes within the declared grade then the referee packet is sent to a mutually agreed 3rd party laboratory. For TNEB: CPRI Bangalore and the result of referee packet are accepted by both the party.
In case of 3rd party sampling the result of loading end and unloading end is taken into consideration. If the UHV difference of both the end is more then 5% of the average UHV the referee packets is send to 3rd party laboratory ( For MSEB:MECL laboratory) and the referee result is accepted for final billing.
UHV = 8900 – 138 (A % + M%)
Ash = 1- 1 Gram sample (-212mcr.) is taken a silica crucible.
2- The uncovered crucible is inserted into a muffle furnace.
3- The coal is allowed to burn by rising the temperature up to 500°C, 30 min, and 815°C in further 30 to 60 min. maintained the temperature of 815°C for 60 min or till constant weight.
4- Brought out the crucible and allowed to cool for 10 min. On a metal plate. Then cool with in a desiccators containing fused CaCl2 for 15min. Then weight and calculate Ash percentage.
Moisture = 1- 1 Gram sample is taken in a clean, dry weighed silica/glass dish.
2- Allowed to heat in a hot air oven at a temperature of 108°C ± 2°C for 1 hour or till constant weight.
3- The glass dish is allowed to cool with in a dedicators containing fused CaCl2 and then weight.
Ash = (Empty crucible weight + Ash) – Empty crucible
Moist = (Empty crucible weight + cool – (Empty crucible weight + Dry cool).
As experience gained at siding, I have visualized a lot of factors tending accident proneness enlisted as below:-
Collision of tippers.
Overturn of tippers.
Derailment of wagons.
Entry of unauthorized persons/helpers.
Breakage of overhead lines due to raised canopy of tippers.
Fall of tipper due overworking of contractual drivers.
Breaking of level Crossing Gate
Pilferage of Coal during withdrawn of rakes by children.
Insufficient clearance between overhead line and stock.
Collision of pay loaders to Wagons/tippers due inadequate braking system of payloaders.
Fire in Dozer due to overheating
Spontaneous heating/fire in heavy coal stock.
Fall of persons during checking of empty wagons from the rim of wagons.
Accident of shale-pickers/samplers during loading or transporting operations.
Accidents during shunting or deshunting of rakes to railway porter or other persons.
Accidents to track cleaning mazdoors during rake placement without any guard in the Break van
Dashing of tippers/Dozer at electric – poles.
Un-informed rake placement while weigh bridge calibration work is going on.
At random lining of tippers at railway phatak.
Undulating surface at siding roadways.
Invisibility due to dust clouds
Inadequate illumination at siding
Super elevated Carpet of siding platforms giving centrifugal-force towards track-lines.
Opening of B O B R boxes at tracks.
Inadequate vacuum pressure developed to withdraw the rakes deshunting the wagons amidst.
Transferring of HEMM through Railway phatak causing electrocution due inadequate clearance between high tension overhead line and ground level.